Saturday 30 March 2013

Finding white a bit of a struggle.

I have finished the sampler that I did as a result of refreshing my memory of Jude Hill's techniques prior to getting fully immersed in the What If Diaries, and the problem now is that I have somehow to get myself to work with white! I see white as dull and flat and boring. I could just choose to use colour but a part of me feels that I will be missing out if I do not try to use white and non-dyed fabric. 
I have woven a couple of base cloths, one from different white fabrics and one from an old white handkerchief,  but I have idea as to where I will go with them.  After much stitching and unpicking and starting again I have decided to just stitch and see what happens, if anything.  I think that my stitching so far on the hanky base expresses something of my ambivalence towards white and confusion as to what to do;  at the moment it has what  could become organic plant shapes surrounded by rigid straight lines - creativity imprisoned has just come to mind!   I shall keep going and maybe all will become clear.

Monday 25 March 2013

My first "what if" cloth is not white.

Having read and listened and watched magic cloth101 over the weekend in preparation for "what If" I felt the need to get stitching something.  It started off as a simple way to remind my fingers how to do applique but it has turned into something else, as so often happens.  Pale colours are not really my thing so  I am doing things a bit differently already.  I am thinking of writing some words at the top - sphere, planet, globe etc.

Not sure how I am going to get on with white on white but will give it a try.  I have an old table knapkin that I am thinking of using as the base and just let it roll from there!

Friday 22 March 2013

A Closer View

Dee, from What If Diaries, said she would like to see some close-ups of my sampler, so here they are.  As you can see it is not finished and I am waiting for inspiration to strike as to what to do in the top section (my idea of words did not look good).
  I have spent much of today sorting out my workroom which is always a total tip.  I thought that as I am going to try to only use white for a while I would take the opportunity to tidy away  all the coloured fabric and thread that was scattered all over the room.  It worked out quite well, I rediscovered the carpet and in celebration I am going to hoover tomorrow!

Monday 18 March 2013


Welcome to my new blog!
I have set up this blog to record my journey through Jude Hill's class "What If" , but also because I feel the need to move on from my other blog as it was set up a few years ago when I started a distance learning course which I am no longer doing.  You can still look at it to see what kind of stitching I do, but I think that I will get rid of it at some point.